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These Are The Top Ten Companies With Very High Dividend Yield

Dividend yield is one of the most crucial metrics when evaluating a company’s fundamentals. It is basically a financial ratio showing how much a company pays in dividends relative to its stock price. So, a stock with a higher yield is usually more attractive than the ones with a lower yield. Let’s take a look at the top 10 companies with very high dividend yield.

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Top Companies With Very High Dividend Yield

For our list of the top 10 companies with very high dividend yield, we have considered only small cap companies (market cap between $300 million to $2 billion) and dividend yield of more than 10%. Moreover, we have ranked the top 10 companies with very high dividend yield on the basis of their year-to-date performance. Following are the top 10 companies with very high dividend yield:

  1. CrossAmerica Partners

Founded in 2011, this company deals in wholesale distribution of motor fuels, as well as owns and leases real estate that are used in the retail distribution of motor fuels. Crossamerica Partners LP (NYSE:CAPL) has two business segments: Wholesale and Retail. It posted revenue of more than $1.93 billion in 2020, compared to over $2.15 billion in 2019. CrossAmerica Partners shares are up over 13% YTD and is headquartered in Allentown, Pa.

  1. Dorian LPG

Founded in 2013, it is a holding company that offers transportation of liquefied petroleum gas. Dorian LPG Ltd (NYSE:LPG) focuses on managing gas carriers and developing customer services. It posted revenue of more than $315 million in 2020, compared to over $333 million in 2019. Dorian LPG shares are up over 13% YTD and is headquartered in Stamford, Conn.

  1. Ellington Financial

Founded in 2007, it is an investment trust that deals in investment services and manages MBS (mortgage-backed assets), real estate debts, securities, and loans. It posted revenue of more than $133 million in 2020, compared to over $152 million in 2019. Ellington Financial Inc (NYSE:EFC) shares are up over 19% YTD and is headquartered in Old Greenwich, Conn.

  1. BP Midstream Partners

Founded in 2017, this company operates, develops and acquires pipelines and other midstream assets. BP Midstream Partners LP (NYSE:BPMP) has assets in entities that own natural gas, refined product terminals, crude oil, and natural gas. It posted revenue of more than $128.9 million in 2020, compared to over $128.4 million in 2019. The shares of the company are up over 23% YTD and is headquartered in Houston.

  1. Ready Capital

Founded in 2011, it is a real estate finance company that acquires, manages and finances small balance commercial loans. Ready Capital Corp (NYSE:RC) has the following business segments: Residential Mortgage Banking; Acquisitions; SBA Originations; and Acquisitions & Servicing. The shares of the company are up over 26% YTD and is headquartered in New York.

  1. Sculptor Capital Management

Founded in 1994, it is an alternative asset management firm offering investment products in areas including multi-strategy, credit and real estate. Sculptor Capital Management Inc (NYSE:SCU) serves its clients through separate accounts, commingled funds, and specialized products. The shares of the company are up over 29% YTD. Sculptor Capital Management posted revenue of over $905 million in 2020, compared to over $612 million in 2019.

  1. Oxford Lane Capital

Founded in 2010, it is an investment company that primarily invests in debt and equity tranches of CLO vehicles. The shares of the company are up over 45% YTD and more than 15% in the last six months. Oxford Lane Capital Corp (NASDAQ:OXLC) is headquartered in Greenwich, Conn.

  1. Newtek Business Services

Founded in 1998, it is a non-diversified closed-end management investment company that offers business and financial solutions. NEWTEK Business Services Corp (NASDAQ:NEWT) offers loans, payments, web solutions, insurance, as well as technology solutions. The shares of the company are up over 50% YTD. Newtek Business Services posted revenue of over $103 million in 2020, compared to over $109 million in 2019.

  1. SuRo Capital

Founded in 2011, this company invests in public and private companies in the U.S. and other countries. SuRo Capital makes minority investments and offers financing for later-stage capital requirements. The shares of the company are up over 58% YTD. SuRo Capital posted revenue of over $18 million in 2020, compared to over $20 million in 2019.

  1. Falcon Minerals

Founded in 2016, this company deals in oil and gas minerals. Falcon Minerals Corp (NASDAQ:FLMN) has assets in Eagle Ford and Austin Chalk in Karnes County, Gonzales County and DeWitt County in Texas. Falcon Minerals posted revenue of over $40 million in 2020, compared to over $68 million in 2019. The shares of the company are up over 74% YTD and is headquartered in New York.

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