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Posts published in “Uncategorized”

Daimler Truck and Mercedes-Benz part ways

Cars and heavy vehicles are two very different businessesGOTTLIEB DAIMLER and Carl Benz built the world’s first motor cars at the same time in 1886, not far apart in Germany. Their names have been tied together since a merger of their firms in 1926. Daimler is the parent company of Mercedes-Benz. Yet the two men…

How to get managers’ incentives right

Executives, not investors, may be to blame for short-termismHOW BEST should managers be incentivised? In the biblical parable of the talents, a master divides his property among three servants before going away. Two put his money to work and double its value; the third buries it in the ground. The first two servants are rewarded…

The GameStop Saga and the Incoherent Politics of the Stock Market

The recent furor regarding speculation in the stock of GameStop—which soared far beyond its fundamental value, due to a technique known as a short squeeze—has focused attention on the nature of the stock market and what it means both politically and economically. CNN’s Chris Cillizza sees the bipartisan hostility toward hedge funds—so far, the big…